Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's too hot to code. MySQL Anyone?

CopyForce (and CopyStorm -- the commercial variant) does not support MySQL (I have not needed it on a project). This morning I took a look at the effort....the effort looks small. In a couple of hours I was exporting Salesforce data.

A question: Is there enough MySQL interest to make it worth my effort? Please drop me a line if you would be interested in trying it out. If few people respond, I probably will not launch a MySQL version.

Since it is summer and time for outdoor fun, progress on a WAR that provides browser access to CopyForce data has slowed. Though the individual record pages and list of record pages are in place, I will need some concentrated time to bring it to beta state. Maybe this fall.

It's time to take a swim (it's hot outside).

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